Shift Your Gut Therapy Method

Stop struggling and find long term relief from daily bloating, constipation, gas and pain!

The Shift Your Gut Therapy Method™ teaches you how to resolve your symptoms and regain control of your life by providing you with evidence-based information and proven tools that you need to achieve optimal digestive function. 

This 12-week, small-group, nutritionist-led program will take you from struggling to thriving by helping you identify and address the root causes of your digestive issues.

The Shift Your Gut Therapy Method™ is for you if:

  • You have been struggling with chronic digestive issues and have tried several things on your own, but keep ending up back where you started.
  • Your symptoms (bloating/pain/constipation/frequent diarrhea/gas/heartburn) are ruling your life. You have gotten used to scheduling your family/social/work life around them. You are never quite sure what the day will bring and the unpredictable nature of it has become quite unlivable.
  • You are tired of eliminating so many foods and are not quite sure if that helps. Your diet has become very restrictive. You are literally not sure what to eat anymore.
  • You have searched out so many gut health remedies but are feeling more and more confused.

The Shift Your Gut Therapy Method™ is a professionally designed, comprehensive process that is reflective of nearly a decade of clinical experience. 

It will bring you clarity. You will come to learn what the root of your issues are and be given proper guidelines and tools to help you address and resolve them.

You will get:

  • 12 consecutive weeks of access to expert advice and feedback in the The Shift Your Gut Therapy Method LIVE Q & A meetings on Zoom.
  • 12 comprehensive, incremental, professionally developed lessons designed to help you address and resolve your digestive health concern.  
  • Lifetime access to all of the Shift Your Gut Therapy Method course materials.
  • Weekly guidance to advise you of exactly which steps you need to implement and focus on each week, and to help keep you accountable.

By the end of the program, you will:

  • See a reduction in bloating, constipation and pain
  • Be able to plan travel and social events, worry-free
  • Have the energy to get back to hobbies you’ve been avoiding
  • Understand the root cause of your digestive problems
  • Have a keen understanding of how diet and lifestyle habits impact your gut health
  • Have a sustainable and personalized daily protocol for promoting long-term gut health
  • Feel confident knowing that your digestion and gut health are under control

The Shift Your Gut Therapy Method™ boasts an 80% client resolution rate.

Are you ready to say goodbye to bloating, constipation, diarrhea, gas and pain for good?

Step 1: Schedule your complimentary Shift Your Gut Strategy call

Step 2: Enroll in the Shift Your Gut Therapy Method™ online group program

Step 3: Work through the program over the course of 12 weeks and get lasting relief from your digestive issues.


GET 3 AWESOME BONUSES ($1800 in extra value!) when you join The Shift Your Gut Therapy Method™ by Friday, February 9th!

BONUS #1 - 2 x :30 minute private one-on-one sessions with Bonnie Wisener, RHN!

You will be able to schedule 2 private sessions. This is an opportunity to further customize your experience and address any additional nutrition and wellness needs. Value: $500

BONUS #2 - Access to 10 additional video modules containing workshops such as Menu Planning for Gut Health, How to Read Food Labels: Gut Health Edition, Travel Handbook, and many more.

Additional information to further customize and support your day to day experiences. Value: $1000

BONUS #3 - One Year Subscription to MEALS MADE EASY - our popular gut nourishing meal planning and recipe subscription service.

Access to weekly dinner meal plans and recipes to help you put nutritious, well balanced and gut friendly meals on your dinner table each week. Includes meal plan, recipes, and shopping guides each week. Value: $300

Get ready to Shift Your Gut and regain control of your life!

Book your complimentary Shift Your Gut Strategy call today!

5 Phases

Welcome to YOUR Shift (start here)

Welcome to the Shift Your Gut Therapy Method, !

I am so excited to have you here, and can’t wait to work together to discover the root of your digestive health  issues and help you to transform your everyday health.

During your time in the Shift Your Gut Therapy Method  you’ll have the weekly opportunity to connect with me live on zoom to get answers to all of your questions. You will also be surrounded by other people in this community who are travelling through a gut healing journey just like you.

I know how important it is to have professional guidance and like-minded people around you and to feel like you aren’t alone as you figure out what you need to do to improve your digestive function and get rid of your symptoms for once and for all.

We all need someone to talk vent to, bounce around ideas with, strategize, support and celebrate with. We need people who GET IT. 

That’s why I created the Shift Your Gut Therapy Method and this community!

Let's get started!

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 Shift Your Gut Therapy Method
 $ 499.00 CAD  ( then $499.00 CAD for 2 months )
 Shift Your Gut Therapy Method (paid in full 15% off)
 $ 1,275.00 CAD

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Disclaimer: The recommendations presented within are, at all times, restricted to the subject of health matters intended for general well-being, and are not meant for the purposes of medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing of medicine for any disease (including that which may have been diagnosed by a medical professional), or any licensed or controlled act which may constitute the practice of medicine. You are under absolutely no obligation to follow this plan nor is any guarantee offered.

All contents of this program including weekly emails and PDFs are property of the Shift Your Gut Therapy online group program. Please do not distribute or share without consent. Thank you in advance.

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